
The 20 Best Pinterest Boards About Education Technology

The following boards are curated by teachers, admins, and other education enthusiasts. You’ll likely find some new blogs, tools, and ideas among them.

Museums and Open Education

As we rethink the factory-style model of education in our schools empowered by the powerful technologies now at our disposal, we will naturally also think of  ways to better support the educational missions of museums.

What Schools Can Learn From Google, IDEO, and Pixar

The country's strongest innovators embrace creativity, play and collaboration-values that also inform their physical spaces.

What School Can Learn Form Goolge, IDEO, and Pixar

What School Can Learn  Form Goolge, IDEO, and  Pixar

Key to American Innovation?

In the future technology will shatter the physical distance between continents, and create exponentially faster communication between people, companies, organizations, employees, and employers.
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